On March 6th and 7th, 2024, we are Media Partner of E-Vision, an event dedicated to electric and sustainable mobility promoted by Eurelectric. The event is open to all industry operators, and registration can be done directly on the official website. It takes place at Autoworld Brussels, Parc du Cinquantenaire 11.
We will be present as an emerging media outlet to report on what companies and politicians have to say about this particular moment.
Eurelectric is the federation of the European electricity industry, representing over 3,500 European entities engaged in the production, distribution, and supply of electricity with a focus on reducing carbon emissions.
What is Evision
EVision is an annual event that connects operators and leaders from the transportation world with those from the energy sector.
The goal is to find common synergies, discuss issues, and understand how to best address this important moment of transformation in both the energy and transportation industries, engaged in a long and challenging process of decarbonization.

EVision is one of several annual meetings organized by Eurelectric, and it is the one most dedicated to mobility. Here we will able to talk to:
- Georges Gilkinet, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for mobility, Belgium
- Luca De Meo, President, ACEA & CEO, Renault
- Michael Cole, CEO, Hyundai Motor Europe
- Åsa Pettersson, CEO, Swedenergy
The Euro-road to electrification
Even though we are writing from one of the most advanced countries in terms of electric vehicle electrification (you can find out why here), the issues related to electric cars also affect Denmark and Sweden, and to a lesser extent, Norway.

In Denmark, electric cars reach 33% penetration by 2023, a higher rate than Germany, France, and Italy, but still far from half. On one hand, there are certainly issues related to disincentives to own a car in the country; on the other hand, there are concerns from Danes who may not find purchasing one of these vehicles economically viable despite incentives, or find them disadvantageous in terms of climate, especially in winter.
Thus, in a context like Autoworld where enthusiasts gather, we can understand the limitations of this technology and how to make electric vehicles more accessible and attractive in general.
Saving the industry
Another important topic is preserving the European industry. The EU has initiated a process against China’s “state-sponsored dumping” toward Chinese manufacturers to verify that there are no unfair practices from the East to make their EVs more appealing than European ones.
China holds the world record for the number of electric vehicles sold (the EU is second but by a wide margin), while European manufacturers struggle to find a path that brings them closer in terms of competitiveness not only to Eastern manufacturers like BYD but also to Tesla.
How can we make the European car competitive again, especially the electric one? And how can we make a product targeted by institutions and new generations current and sustainable? We invite you to share your thoughts in the comments: we will do the same after discussing it at Evision.